Welcome, dear one.

Imagine a space where all parts of you can be seen and heard,

where you are met with unconditional love and acceptance,

where your pain and symptoms can be transformed into power,

where you can reclaim your beautiful life.

My name is Kailey Murphy and I am a mind-body & embodiment coach devoted to supporting people with chronic pain, fatigue, long Covid, insomnia, and other mind-body symptoms find healing and freedom.

My approach combines the methods of mind-body medicine, embodiment, health coaching, and emotional exploration.

I am here as a guide, mirror, and loving presence to help you come home to your body, recover your wellbeing, and reclaim your joy and your life!

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When living with chronic symptoms, it can feel like you are at war with your body, always searching for a cure outside of yourself…

What if I told you that the answers you seek are within you? That there is wisdom woven within your body waiting to be heard? That the pain can be a pathway into deeper transformation and healing?

How do I know this to be true?

Because I, too, have been on a journey of healing and recovery.

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I truly believe that the seed of your own healing lives within you.

That whatever you struggle with is the doorway into your devotion. That you are not here to be fixed but instead to remember you have always been whole.

In our work together, I support you in watering this seed and allowing it to grow.

“Kailey helped me not just recover from awful mind-body symptoms, but also to recover my buried artistic muse that had disappeared amid the daily dealing with symptoms. Her gentle and incredibly attentive as well as reflective therapeutic presence was the rock I needed on which to build my new life.”

-Sam M.

"Kailey is a coach who really listens. She created a container for me where I could transform my pain into my power. I am well on my way to the success my heart truly desires and deserves, all thanks to my time with her. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for a loving and supportive guide in their journey."
