The Intuitive Heart Sings


The shift began one evening with a feeling. 

It rose up like smoke—from my feet to my belly to my heart—where a fire ignited in my chest. 

Though I tried, I could not ignore the warm burning that followed my body like an ancient ache. 

Everywhere I looked, the world rattled before me, covering the path I had planned with giant oak trees and a darkness made by mystery.  The darkness beckoned me inside, just as she had done many times before. 

Into her womb I went: a daughter, listening and surrendering.

For many years now, I have been a path of listening to this voice that speaks through feeling rather than words.  I call her my intuition, my deepest truth, my inner knowing.  She is my guide, igniting and awakening my path like a beautiful lighthouse.  

Just when I think I have something figured out, my intuition surprises me with a gentle nudge or a fierce fire—whatever will get me to listen. Though even when she burns, I do not always listen. 

For many years, I stayed in situations that were resulting in more pain, more sickness, and ultimately, a half-lived life.  For my intuition guides me into what Roosevelt calls “the arena” where I am asked to live a life “daring greatly.”  My intuition believes that if I am here then I better live fully and deeply in the NOW. 

She does not play it safe, and she certainly does not follow society’s scripts.  This is what I love her about her—her boldness and her bravery to be in this world as a whole-hearted human. 

Often, it is recommended that one follows their intuitionBut when I follow my intuition, it can feel like falling or shattering or crumbling.  It can be a painful process of letting go of what I believe I am supposed to be doing and trusting in something greater.  It breaks through my illusions of control and certainty and invites me into the unknown. 

Following my intuition can look like craziness to some people or bravery to others.  Though the process is not easy, I have found that the more I listen and follow, the more love, joy, and beauty there is in my life.  

In my work as an embodiment coach, I help guide you towards listening to your own intuition—to following that thread of knowing that lives beneath the surface.

For many of us, our intuition has been so buried by limiting beliefs, societal conditioning, and fear. We keep busy so as not to feel that inner ache. We ignore the feeling of something being off or not quite right. We live a half-lived life of comfort and safety.

So in order to connect back to our intuition, we must turn the light of our attention towards this deep knowing living in the body. This requires pausing and listening deeply. It requires moving through the layers that have buried our brilliance. It requires becoming intimate with the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are living within our beloved bodies.

For to truly follow your inner calling takes courage.

It often means walking through fear, challenging the norm, and honoring your own innate wisdom in spite of what others may think of you. But what waits for you on the other side is a life where you are radiantly aligned with your inner truth.

So you see, my love, the knowing has always been there— just waiting for you to return home and to follow the call to fruition and beyond.

Will you listen?

 If you are ready to follow the call of your inner knowing and live the life you deeply desire, then fill out this questionnaire to begin the process. I can’t wait to hear from you! 


New Year’s Ritual