A poem for you, dear one

I have spent much of my life demanding my body be different than she is. But my body is not a broken thing nor is she something to transcend. My body is the meeting place of my humanity and divinity—the perfect sleeve for my soul. 

The deeper I go into my body, the more I learn how to love, to live fully, and to inhabit every inch of me. And I see how every ache and pain is but an invitation to return home to my heart. And I remember that this was the body I chose to live this one, beautiful life in. That these bones and this heart and these cells are infused with the sacred. 

And so I care for my body with a mothering kind of devotion, I see her through the eyes of unconditional love, and I bow in deep reverence to the radiance that exists within this finite form. 

My invitation to you today is to spend some time coming back home to your body in whatever way resonates for you. 

Some of my favorite ways are:

🦋resting my hands on my heart and belly and taking some deep breaths 
🦋feeling my bare feet on the earth while basking in the sunshine
🦋taking a warm bath with lavender and epsom salt and candles
🦋massaging my body with homemade body butter 
🦋dancing and moving my body freely to music

I invite you to discover what works for you! Much love to you dear one ♥️


The Grace of Glimmers


The Power of Pleasure