Reclaiming Our Yes

For with each new adventure I embark upon, I open to more trust, more courage, more gratitude, and love. I discover pearls of possibility twinkling in the sky of my psyche. I light a pathway for my “yes” to be seen, celebrated and known.”

When I was twenty, I traveled internationally on my own for the first time to Greece and Turkey. I remember the joy of dipping my body in the sapphire colored sea, connecting with kindred spirits from across the world, seeing new sights, and listening to new languages. 

The newness of it all illuminated a knowing inside — that I was here to see and experience this life as fully and deeply as possible. I remember leaving that trip with a seed of inspiration to explore more of the world stitched into my spirit. 

Over time, this seed of intention became buried deeper and deeper within me as chronic pain, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, disordered eating and other symptoms claimed more of my life. Dreams of traversing across foreigns lands were no longer exciting or enlivening but instead cloaked in fear.

 And yet one of the most beautiful parts of being on a healing journey is reconnecting with the pieces of ourselves that got left behind due to the symptoms and illness.  

We can dig into the garden of our hearts and find the seeds planted long ago.We can reclaim our “yes.”

 For me, this has looked like dancing again, expressing my voice, working 1:1 with clients, hiking in the mountains, cultivating beloved partnership and traveling the world. 

 When my partner first presented the idea of going to Japan together, I was not a resounding “yes.” I questioned if I was ready, if it would be too much. All the “what ifs” piled up within me as I tussled with the unknown.

 But beneath the doubt and uncertainty was a deeper pull from my heart. A calling towards a more creative, adventurous, and courageous life. A voice that whispered, “Dearest one, you are ready. It is safe to say yes.”

 And so I followed the wise one within. In moments of fear, my partner would remind me to come back to my “yes.” To find it in my body and to let it guide me back to my heart. This became my practice before and during our trip. This will always be my practice.

 Now that I am home, I couldn't be more grateful to have traveled to Asia. For with each new adventure I embark upon, I open to more trust, more courage, more gratitude, and love. I discover pearls of possibility twinkling in the sky of my psyche. I light a pathway for my “yes” to be seen, celebrated and known.

 So, dearest one, I invite you to pause and rest your attention at your heart. Notice if there is a deeper pull from within you, guiding you to your “yes." Is there a seed of inspiration that you are ready to unearth?

 Remember, it doesn't have to be grand. Reclaiming our “yes” is a journey. It is more about the listening, the coming back home to our hearts, the trusting in what is ours to reclaim and remember.


Trust in the Goodness of Life


Trusting the Waves of Life